
Inge Schütz: The new president of the SVP International

On August 17th, the members of SVP International elected Inge Schütz as their new president at their general assembly in Lausanne. Roman Rauper was elected new vice president. In addition, National Councillor Roland Rino Büchel, Johann Dähler (entrepreneur, “Pineapple King”), Nicolas Szita (University Tutor in London) and John McGough (Chairman in Budapest) were elected new members of the board.

Inge Schütz, new president


After 10 years as president of SVP International, Rolf Schudel resigned from his position. SVP International expressed deep gratitude for his commitment and elected Schudel as honorary president. As Schudel’s successor, the assembly elected Inge Schütz. Schütz, an entrepreneur and financial consultant, lived – with some interruptions – for 16 years in Sweden. Today she lives most of the time in Zurich.


Previously, the board of SVP International was elected for the next 4 years. Its members are:

Inge Schütz, President (Switzerland/Sweden)
Roman Rauper, Vice President (Liechtenstein/Japan)
Hans Kaufmann, National Councillor (ZH)
Luzi Stamm, National Councillor (AG)
Roland Rino Büchel, National Councillor (SG)
Peter Simon Kaul (Germany)
Johann Dähler (Switzerland/Costa Rica/Ivory Coast)
Nicolas Szita (England)
John McGough (Hungary)
Martin Baltisser, Secretary-General SVP Switzerland
Miriam Gurtner, Secretary SVP International

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