2011 we founded the SVP Costa Rica. Our members are Swiss Citizens living in Costa Rica and Switzerland. We have an international political focus and help brinning the problems of the Swiss abroad into the Federal politics.
President: Josef Wespe

Useful links
- Informations for living and working abroad
- Registration as a Swiss abroad with voting rights
- Popular initiatives in signing stadium (d)
- Informations about E-Voting
- Swiss Schools abroad
- Congress of the Swiss Abroad
- Soliswiss (Fond for Swiss abroad)
- Helpline FDFA
- Organisation of the Swiss abroad (OSA)
- Statistics on the Swiss Abroad
- Schweizerische Volkspartei SVP (d)
Schweizerische Volkspartei SVP
SVP International
CH-3001 Bern
Tel. +41 (0) 31 300 58 58